Brand new sewing classes for children

Don’t you love that feeling when plans start to come to fruition? When things start falling into place and you say to yourself “this just might work!”. I love it…. And I am having just that feeling as I write to you today.

One part of Beautiful Stitches is teaching children to sew. I started with a small group of my daughter’s friends nearly two years ago. We met once a fortnight after school. The children were enthusiastic and I loved being able to share my passion for all things hand-made, and especially hand-sewn, with them. Pretty soon a second group had started and they were having just as much fun.

Learning to sew on buttons whilst creating an embroidery hoop wallhanging.
Learning to sew on buttons whilst creating an embroidery hoop wallhanging.

Last year, I decided to take the whole thing onto a more businesslike footing. I hired a venue and decided to run the classes once a month on a Sunday afternoon. This gave me longer than an after school class to give the children more time to finish off a project. And once a month worked really well. The children were always eager and interested when they came to class and I was always excited to meet up with them again and start work on a new project.

One of my favourite classes from last year - stitching simple outfits for wood and wire dolls. A groovy guy with a mohawk, Rapunzel, and a trendy girl on the town :)
One of my favourite classes from last year – stitching simple outfits for wood and wire dolls. A groovy guy with a mohawk, Rapunzel, and a trendy girl on the town 🙂

We took a nice long break over the long, hot, Perth summer – in my experience small hot hands and sewing are not good friends. But with the arrival of cooler weather it is time to start up again. I have a new venue and am doubling the number of classes I run – from one to two. OK, so it doesn’t sound like a big thing but it is another baby step in gradually expanding my business. I have recently started following a very cool blog by Coral called Creative Women’s Business. In a post from January this year, Coral talks about taking one step at a time – even micro-steps inch you a bit closer to your goal.

And hence my great excitement. My first class is fully booked, mostly with students returning from last year. That in itself is an achievement – I am so happy that they are all keen to continue. But even better, I am taking bookings for my second class from brand new students. I received a phone call from an interested parent today and I haven’t even started advertising yet! How cool is that? I confess that I got off the phone from her and did a little dance of excitement because I just got that tingling feeling that all the painstaking plans and niggles of the last few weeks were starting to bear fruit.

So, if you know of a child in Perth who might enjoy joining a sewing class with me, then please share this post so they can contact me for more information. I am just so excited that the children’s classes are underway for a third year!

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  1. Happy dances in the lounge room – I’m there with you. Returning students is super duper awesome. Plus bookings for a second class of new students. Oh yes!!! I love that you changed how you were doing the class so the kids were super excited each time they came and that they could complete more complex projects. Yes to micro steps. Yes to experimenting to find the right fit for you, the kids and your business. Yes to feeling like it’s all coming together. That’s the very awesomest of all

    Thank you for your beautiful words about my blog too. Big hugs xo

    1. Coral, thankyou so much for visiting my blog and your wonderfully supportive comments – they made me feel like dancing all over again! The first class for 2014 went off really well and the kids infected me again with their enthusiasm to be back and stitching. Happiness is your own creative business making microsteps forward – at least that is my definition this week 🙂

  2. How Ann-Marie – are you still running classes??

    1. Hi Leesa, I’m running children’s classes most school holidays at Tresillian Arts Centre in Nedlands. In the forthcoming school holidays, my classes will be scheduled on July 11 to 14 inclusive. The schedule hasn’t been published as yet, but it should be available very soon at Kind regards Ann-Marie

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