A beautiful day for stitching

It simply could not be a more beautiful day in Perth. We are all longing for the cooler weather arrive and real drenching, soaking rain is desperately needed. But despite all that, you can’t help feeling that it is just absolutely magnificent here today. Not too hot, beautiful light outside and my garden is looking green and welcoming.

We have spent the morning cleaning the house. So, now we have the luxury of enjoying an afternoon of simple pleasures. I have set up my sewing on the table outside my craft room. The afternoon light is perfect, I have a new Georgette Heyer story to listen to on Audible, and a brand new canvaswork design to develop.

This is my definition of pure bliss….

All set to work my outside table.
All set to work my outside table.
I love working outside - the light is beautiful, even in the dappled shade.
I love working outside – the light is beautiful, even in the dappled shade.
My view of the garden.
My view of the garden.

Footnote: My children have been enjoying the beautiful day as well. They decided to see if they could split an apple in half using rubber bands (apparently they had seen it done on a watermelon online). I know it sounds mad but they have spent a happy half hour, sitting in the shade and carefully applying rubber bands to said apple.

Apple wearing a rubber band cummerband.
Apple wearing a rubber band cummerband.

I confess that I was sceptical, but with just a little bit of percussive assistance, their experiment seems to have worked! As I said, an afternoon of simple pleasures…

A split apple and a ball of knotted, sticky rubber bands.
A split apple and a ball of knotted, sticky rubber bands.


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